This 7 course Certificate is focused on developing the skills required to design for print and web using industry standard software applications and best practices. It is intended for a wide audience including mature students seeking new or upgraded expertise, and graduates looking to add to their existing skill set.
Students are introduced to design fundamentals, the desktop publishing process and production flow, and web design and creation through practical, hands-on projects. Successful graduates will have a solid foundation using Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator and Dreamweaver, and HTML, CSS, responsive web design and hierarchy, and will have created an online portfolio to showcase their skills.
2 个回复
阿初 - 故国市街,人都陌生,一阵阵风全是往前的风
Students are introduced to design fundamentals, the desktop publishing process and production flow, and web design and creation through practical, hands-on projects. Successful graduates will have a solid foundation using Adobe Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator and Dreamweaver, and HTML, CSS, responsive web design and hierarchy, and will have created an online portfolio to showcase their skills.
这个专业是很好就业的 又学设计又学前端 培养网页设计师
你都大学毕业了 那college里的专业基本上都能申请吧...