

一个低调的好人 - 我是个好人 微信:V_VISA

赞同来自: 酥萌萌

  1. Work on campus
You may work on campus at the institution where you study without a work permit if:

you are a full-time student at:
a public post-secondary institution, such as a college or university, or a collège d’enseignement général et professionnel (CEGEP) in Quebec
a private post-secondary institution that operates under the same rules and regulations as a public institution, and receives at least 50 percent of its financing for its overall operations from government grants (currently only private college-level educational institutions in Quebec qualify) or
a Canadian private institution authorized by provincial statute to confer degrees and
you have a valid study permit.

  1. 这个是大家最关心的:
Work off campus
Study permit holders in Canada may gain work experience by working off campus while completing their studies.

As of June 1, 2014, you may qualify to work off campus without a work permit. If you qualify, your study permit will allow you to work up to 20 hours per week:

during regular academic sessions and
full-time during scheduled breaks, such as the winter and summer holidays or spring break.
To qualify, you must:

have a valid study permit,
be a full-time student,
be enrolled at a designated learning institution at the post-secondary level or, in Quebec, a vocational program at the secondary level, and
be studying in an academic, vocational or professional training program that leads to a degree, diploma or certificate that is at least six months in duration.

isthativyl - 问吧种子



一个低调的好人 - 我是个好人 微信:V_VISA



  1. Work on campus

  1. Work off campus

  1. Work as a co-op or intern

  1. Stay in Canada after graduation 就是我们说的 PGWP



全职留学生打工 (专科以上学校, ESL等课程不算) 无需Work Permit

on campus: 无限制
off campus: 每周最多20小时
co-op 需要申请work permit

小美老师 - Immigration Consultant, R513157


最新政策,今年6月1日伴随着Designated School出台,凡是under在这些Designated学校下,无需再向以前一样去申请Off Campus Work Permit啦,凭着Study Permit就可以每周工作20个小时。

注意了,留学生COOP的学生,跟这个是不同的,需要另外申请work permit。
