麦克马斯特大学 (McMaster University)的 MBA BOUND 是什么?


天气晴 - 摄影,美食,音乐,旅行,猫

赞同来自: kathyhux

麦马 MBA 的 MBA Bound 是 MBA 学生会为所有的新生所准备的活动。它旨在帮助新生与学长学姐 networking,认识了解新的同学,并在开学之前有一个好的放松,以最好的状态迎接 MBA 的开始。这项活动的价格大约 $200 到 $300 之间,包括食物、住宿和交通。

What better way to end a long week of starting your MBA than to wind down and relax with a lakeside view. You’ll start friendships which will last well after you’ve graduated, learn about different MBA career options and network with your peers and senior students.
This event takes place during the last weekend before classes officially start in September. It is organized by the MBA Association. You will receive more information from the MBAA in late July.
The price for this event usually ranges from $200 to $300 and includes food, accommodation and transportation to and from the event.
