是有的,进入学校后,在搜索到的 wifi 里有一个叫 SeneNET 的,输入 ID 和密码就可以连接上了。
如果不想每次进入学校都连接一次 wifi 的话,可以根据学校指南设置自动连接:
IOS 系统: To connect your iPad to the SeneNET Extreme Network:
From your Home menu, tap Settings
2.Tap Wi-Fi, then to the right under Choose a Network, tap Other…
3.Enter the network name SeneNET-Extreme, making sure to enter matching the case of the letters exactly. Tap Security
4.Tap WPA2 Enterprise, then tap Other Networks to return to the previous screen
5.You should now see fields to enter your username and password. Enter your My.Seneca username and password, then tap Join
6.You should see the Certificate screen. Tap the Accept button
7.You now have successfully logged into the SeneNET Extreme network
1 个回复
Yuki油鸡 - digital media and 二次元粉~问吧种子
赞同来自: d果果b
如果不想每次进入学校都连接一次 wifi 的话,可以根据学校指南设置自动连接:
IOS 系统: To connect your iPad to the SeneNET Extreme Network:
2.Tap Wi-Fi, then to the right under Choose a Network, tap Other…
3.Enter the network name SeneNET-Extreme, making sure to enter matching the case of the letters exactly. Tap Security
4.Tap WPA2 Enterprise, then tap Other Networks to return to the previous screen
5.You should now see fields to enter your username and password. Enter your My.Seneca username and password, then tap Join
6.You should see the Certificate screen. Tap the Accept button
7.You now have successfully logged into the SeneNET Extreme network