是时候给自己写一个“F*ck it List"了!只为做到更好的自己!看看这些list里有你想要的吗?

但是难得就是贵在坚持! 这个网站贴出了将近70条f*ck list。看着就爽!还有一个TED的视频,专门说怎么设定的。看看吧,或许下一个自己也会成为别人羡慕的对象!

 1. Choosing relevant photos to illustrate my writings.

2. Overanalyzing. It never helps me make a better decision and simply holds me from making ideas happen.

3. Saying YES to people and ideas I don't like or don't fully believe in.

4. Being on every social media network.

5. Ruining my morning routine on weekends.

6. Apologizing for being me.

7. Swearing like a sailor.

8. Blindly following my diet. I get a cake on Monday or Wednesday if I want to.

9. Committing to something I know I will give up.

10. Getting into the toxic relationships.

11. Tolerating sexist & racist jokes.


12. Getting too drunk. Having two beers on Friday is absolutely enough.

13. Staying up late.

14. Writing too much on my to-do list.

15. Replying to people I don't like.

16. Being broke. Doesn't feel good and having debt is the worst thing in life.

17. Researching for too long. Just write, create, design, build.

18. Trying to be perfect.

19. Going out on Friday nights. Sometimes I want to have ice cream and watch a movie.

20. Spending time with the negative people.

21. Lying to myself. Yes, I could be this and that but I am who I am.

22. Beating myself up for past mistakes.

23. Comparing myself to others.

24. Trying to buy happiness.

25. Thinking I am not ready.


26. Judging people.

27. Playing a victim.

28. Mindlessly consuming and not questioning why.

29. Taking the easiest path.

30. Expecting that in the future everything will be much better.

31. Over-scheduling myself and trying to meet everyone in the room.

32. Putting things I am excited about for later.

33. Watching, reading, listening to something I don't enjoy.

34. Trying to manage and change people.

35. Doing everything on my own.

36. Not asking for help or advice.

37. Trying to please people.

38. Trying to control life.

39. Working when I don't feel like working.

40. Tolerating constant whining.

41. Getting in touch with my parents when I need something.

42. Updating social media when I am drunk.

43. Taking too many photos on my smartphone.

44. Spending most of my money on eating out.

45. Giving up when things get hard.

46. Starting new projects when there are many unfinished ones.

47. Texting while driving. My life is more important.

48. Stressing out about getting sick.

49. Asking what would I be if?

50. Waiting for the magical change to happen.

51. Buying cheap products that break or don't satisfy me.

52. Criticizing myself and others. Never ever, nor privately nor publicly.

53. Ignoring my dreams.

54. Saying "I love you" when I don't mean it.

55. Working overtime.

56. Folding my underwear.

57. Doing repetitive tasks over and over again.

58. Guessing, assuming and not asking.

59. Using smartphone before bedtime.

60. Leaving important stuff for the last minute.

61. Overnight flights.

62. Giving up to the peer pressure. I don't do things I don't like.

63. Wasting time on social media.

64. Breaking my word.

65. Tinder.

66. Finish eating food I don't like just because I bought it.

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